Genre: Dark Symphonic Folk Metal/Neofolk
Country: Germany
.:: LP's ::.
1996 - A Wintersunset
1997 - Songs of Moors and Misty Fields
1999 - Where at Night the Wood Grouse Plays
2002 - Weiland
2014 - The Turn of the Tides
.:: EP's | Demo ::.
1995 - ...der wie ein Blitz vom Himmel fiel... (Demo)
2002 - Drei Auszuge aus Weiland (EP)
2013 - Dead Winter Ways (EP)
.:: Lives ::.
2013 - Bochum | Christuskirche | 2012 (Live)
2013 - Into the Pantheon (Live)
.:: Outros ::.
2006 - A Retrospective... (Compilation)
2014 - 1994-2014 (Boxed Set)