quarta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2016

Стары Ольса (Stary Olsa) - Medieval Classic Rock (2016)

Genre: Medieval Folk
Country: Bielorrússia

Website  Bandcamp  Facebook  Vkontakte  Youtube

- Tracklist -

 1. Highway to Hell (AC/DC)
 2. Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2 (Pink  Floyd)
 3. Californication (Red Hot Chili Peppers)
 4. A Hard Day's Night (The Beatles)
 5. One (Metallica)
 6. Child in Time (Deep Purple)
 7. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (The Beatles)  (Instrumental)
 8. Iron Man (Black Sabbath)
 9. Ai Vis Lo Lop / Smells Like Teen Spirit  (Trad. / Nirvana) (Instrumental)

* Discography: http://tavernadonibelungo.blogspot.com.br/2015/08/stary-olsa-discography.html